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AHWA appointment covid

How AHWA Handles Appointments in COVID-19 Times

Much like many other businesses across the globe, American Home Water and Air has also been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Being in the service industry, we have faced the brunt of the raging virus. But that hasn’t dampened our spirits – American Home Water and Air ensures that all safety precautions and guidelines are followed strictly, as we continue to provide unparalleled service throughout Arizona. 

By large, we have included the following measures into our work culture:

Regular Checks 

All the workers are monitored on a daily basis, and our field technicians understand that their health and safety is paramount. 

Safety Precautions

American Home Water and Air believes in creating a safe and secure environment during the pandemic both for its workers and clients. Thus, workers observe the safety precautions to the fullest by following the best practices from OSHA COVID regulations.

Regular use of sanitizers prevents our technicians from acting as carriers of the virus. All the working surfaces are thoroughly sanitized before and after handling. The tools and equipment used for repairing and fittings are also regularly disinfected. The workers observe strict social distancing, maintaining adequate space from the clients.


In case any worker turns out to be COVID positive, he is required to follow strict isolation measures. Also, all the workers who have interacted with him over the last few days are mandatorily required to take the COVID test. Similar protocols are followed for the workers who subsequently turn out to be COVID positive. 

Office Precautions

A human-infused industry can’t work remotely like other sectors. However, American Home Water and Air tries our best to reduce footfalls at physical offices. All the inquiries are handled through remote means by employees working from home whenever possible. 

For those who do not have this luxury, maximum safety is ensured through workspace management. Close contact is avoided and workers work in pre-decided shifts. However, at the same time, it is ensured that the quality of the services is not compromised.


American Home Water and Air’s handling of the COVID situation has set an example for others in the HVAC industry. Even after numerous bottlenecks, we continue to provide seamless service throughout Arizona. You can also book a safe visit with American Home Water and Air, without being worried about safety lapses.

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