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maricopa county water quality report

Water Quality Report for Maricopa, Arizona

Water is something we all take for granted, not to mention safe and good water. You don’t think twice when you turn your faucet on, but now with the awareness of water quality in your area, it makes you worry since it’s not something you’re so familiar with. 

When you go to the sink for a glass of water, you want to feel at ease drinking it. Good news for you, you can learn all about it here in our Maricopa County water quality report. This article is a guide for you to understand the basic concepts of water quality assessments, how to find out about water quality in your area, and common questions about this subject. 

Maricopa County Water Quality Report

So without further ado, let’s dive into it!

While Maricopa, AZ’s water quality is generally safe for drinking, there are some concerns that people generally have about their water. People generally think Phoenix’s water tastes bad.  The water does not meet a perfect score on a quality assessment. In the case of Maricopa County water quality, the contaminants can lead to problems.

Concerns of Contaminants

The Maricopa County water quality is affected by 15 contaminants, 8 of which exceed the health guidelines of the Environmental Working Group, an environmental activist research group. According to the water quality reports released by the Governments of Phoenix and Scottsdale, these contaminants are naturally present. 

Drinking unfiltered water does not mean that you will be certainly sick. However, these 8 contaminants which have not passed the EWG’s health guidelines can potentially cause health problems. These contaminants like barium, nitrate, and, arsenic, are low but the possibilities of being sick as a result are increased when drinking this water.

A Solution to Contaminants: Reverse Osmosis

Now that you’re aware of the problem of contaminants, this is the moment to take action. It’s something to be concerned about and to leave it unresolved for you and your loved ones is not a good idea.

Through a process called reverse osmosis, a highly effective and common solution, you can ensure your water is contaminant-free. Simply put, it’s a filtration system that removes all the contaminants and bad minerals in your drinking water. It’s expensive to install but very worth it considering the benefits for your health. 

American Home Water and Air offers superb reverse osmosis installation and maintenance services as well as nice faucet options. Call today to sort out this problem!

Water Hardness

The only other concern about Maricopa AZ’s water quality is water hardness. This concern is not linked with health risks as it’s a matter of the water aesthetic, relating to taste, odor, and texture. 

Water hardness measures the amount of dissolved calcium and magnesium. High amounts of these dissolved minerals mean the water is hard and in contrast to soft water does not have a desirably silky texture. 

The effects of hard water are of an aesthetic nature. Firstly, it reduces the moisture from your hair, leaving you with dry hair, and makes it feel less clean. Secondly, it can cause dry skin and possibly eczema irritations. Lastly, it is known to be poor water quality for laundering purposes as it can wear out your clothes a lot more. 

If you do drink hard water without knowing it, it shouldn’t cause worry because the minerals are even perhaps good for you. To know if you have hard water, check out these easy water tests you can do.

Water Hardness in Maricopa

In this water quality report for Maricopa, Arizona, water hardness is worth mentioning because some of the cities in the county are those that have the hardest water in Arizona. Phoenix in particular struggles with hard water problems.  

Water hardness is usually present in groundwater because it moves through the soil, picking up natural minerals in small amounts. And since one of Phoenix’s water sources comes from groundwater, this is an issue in Phoenix. 

The Solution: Water Softeners

Water softeners will “soften” the water through a process of eliminating hard minerals, which makes water safe to drink. They use resin beads to exchange hard ions in the water with sodium ions. The thing to note is that the sodium ions make the water softened. For some, this is a concern because they don’t want sodium in their water. There are salt-free options you can check out, though, to eliminate this issue.

For the best water softening service and products in Phoenix, go to this page. We also provide services in Glendale, Peoria, Chandler, and Scottsdale. 


This Maricopa water quality report has assessed the factors that contribute to a lower water quality score. Although the water quality in Maricopa County is not terrible, residents in these cities should be aware of the water sources in their area and to know what kinds of issues are naturally occurring, which ultimately leads to informed decision-makers. 

There isn’t a real reason to be scared or panicked by reports of poorer water quality. Especially since investing in effective solutions will put your mind at rest as they purify your water and eliminate contaminants. A key thing to remember in all this is to do research, be informed on risks in your area, and look into the solutions to improve your water quality at home. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to drink tap water in Maricopa?

Tap water in Maricopa is not so safe to drink. Due to some amounts of various harmful contaminants in Arizona water, the water is deemed potentially harmful. Many are buying bottled water, but in the long run, it’s a costly alternative.

It is strongly recommended that if you live in this area to get a water filtration system, such as a water softener, filter or purifier, or reverse osmosis system. This will drastically improve your drinking water.

How do I know if my area has hard water?

If your city’s supply has hard water, then you have hard water in your home. To know if this is so, you can check your city’s website for more information on this. For residents in Maricopa County, this is a persistent problem due to the water sources. 

There are also some common household signs of ward water. Some potential signs are dry hair and skin, wear-and-tear of clothing after being washed, and water spots after dishes are dried. 

Is it necessary to get a water softener in Arizona?

No, you can choose not to. But remember that not getting one means compromising on healthier skin and hair, and the quality of your laundry water. Maricopa County is a hotspot for hard water, so it’s highly advisable to look into it. 

How do you get rid of water contaminants?

Filtration systems are the best way to deal with water contamination. Through a process called reverse osmosis, your water will be purified and contaminant-free. 

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