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Why Isn’t My Central Heating Functioning, But My AC is?

Central heating units and air conditioning units work together as a conjoined system to keep your home comfortable throughout the year but they have many components that operate independently. Therefore, it’s common for homeowners to experience issues where the air conditioning will function properly while the central heating unit won’t work.  While regular, professional maintenance can help prevent the majority of central AC issues, there are several different reasons why this might happen, and troubleshooting the issue will depend on the specific circumstances. So, what do you do if your heat won’t turn on but the AC will? Central AC …

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Air Conditioner is Cooling but Not Removing Humidity: What to do?

Humidity is a common problem in many homes, especially in summer. It can cause discomfort, damage to furniture and other items, and even health issues. If you’re experiencing high humidity in your home, it’s important to understand what’s causing it, why your air conditioning system may not be removing it, and the steps to prevent the problem, such as regular maintenance. Read on to learn more about why your house is humid with the AC running. Why is My House so Humid with the AC On? Several issues can cause high humidity in a house with the AC running. If …

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Does My Air Conditioner Need a Surge Protector?

As the weather warms up in Arizona over the coming summer months, many people will begin to turn on their air conditioning systems to keep cool. With this increased use of power, it’s essential to protect your electronics from power surges and that includes your HVAC system. Power surges can cause damage that may lead to expensive repairs or replacements. One way to prevent this is by using surge protectors for your HVAC systems. What Causes Power Surges? Power surges are sudden increases in voltage that can damage or destroy electronic devices in your home. Several situations can create a …

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What To Do When Furnace Clicks but Doesn’t Turn On

It can be disheartening to turn on your heat only to find that the furnace clicks but the blower won’t start. Not only is this inconvenient, but it can be very uncomfortable for your family to be without heat on a cold night while they wait for a service call.  There are several reasons why your furnace clicks but doesn’t turn on, and it’s important to be able to recognize these issues and know what you can do to troubleshoot. American Home Water and Air has put together some key factors to consider and steps you can follow in case …

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Heat Pump Pros and Cons

Heat pumps can be a great way to heat and cool your home, but like any other system, they have their advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the most important heat pump pros and cons: Heat Pump Benefits There are many reasons to install a heat pump in your home, so to discuss heat pump pros and cons, let’s start with the advantages. Heat Pump Disadvantages What are the disadvantages of a heat pump? Here are some of the most prominent issues. Many heat pump pros and cons depend on your specific needs and circumstances. It is always best …

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