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Air Conditioners

central ac

Why Is My Central Air Working But Not Heat?

Has your central air system left you shivering in the cold, even though it works perfectly when the weather gets too hot? It’s a common issue that many homeowners face, and it can be quite puzzling.  In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most common reasons your HVAC system might be blowing cold air instead of warming your home. Remember, it’s always best to contact a professional when dealing with HVAC problems in your home for safe and efficient solutions. Stick around to learn more and stay cozy.  How central air and heating work We all love stepping …

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fix ac

Is It Worth Fixing My AC?

We’ve all been there: it’s the middle of a sweltering summer day, and your AC unit decides it’s the perfect time for a break. The sweat beads start to form, and you’re left wondering, “Is it worth fixing my AC, or should I just get it entirely replaced?”. This is a question that plagues many homeowners, and we’re here to help you explore the answer. We’ll tackle this topic with you, exploring the ins and outs of AC repair and replacement while sharing some valuable insights.  But while this blog post will provide guidance, consulting with a professional HVAC technician …

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Get To Know The Different Types Of AC Refrigerant For Your Home

In order to ensure optimal air conditioner performance, it’s vital that the right type of refrigerant be used. Learning the difference between different types of AC refrigerant allows for informed decision-making when deciding on whether to purchase a new unit. For this reason, this blog post will examine refrigerants as a whole and will look at the different AC refrigerants for homes. What is refrigerant? Refrigerant is the liquid within AC units that absorbs the warmness of the air taken in from a space. As a process, refrigeration involves the removal of heat via transfer from one location to another …

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Troubleshooting A Mini Split That’s Not Cooling

Mini splits that don’t provide adequate cooling can be highly inconvenient, especially when you need it the most. With enough knowledge and professional assistance, you can get your unit back in working condition. This blog post will address both common causes and solutions to fix a mini split not cooling. Of course, any methods for resolving issues should always be handled by a professional, as they’ll have all the right expertise and tools on hand. Common mini split problems that prevent proper cooling Here are some common problems encountered that could be preventing your mini split unit from properly cooling …

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air scrubber

Stay Ahead of MRSA & Allergies in Arizona with Air Scrubber Technology

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a type of bacteria that is resistant to many commonly used antibiotics and can cause infections in people. It can be spread through contact with an infected person, contaminated surfaces, or through the air. Left untreated, MRSA can cause a host of conditions that include skin infections, respiratory distress, sepsis, and joint infections. In severe cases, MRSA infections can lead to serious health problems, such as organ failure or even death, especially in people with weakened immune systems. It is important to seek medical attention if you suspect that you have an MRSA infection and …

Stay Ahead of MRSA & Allergies in Arizona with Air Scrubber Technology Read More »