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Water tips

Here you will find informative tips on:

    • Phoenix Water Heaters
    • Maintaining a Water Softener in Phoenix
    • Operating Reverse Osmosis (RO) Systems in Phoenix AZ

Water Heater Tips

How to Drain a Water Heater

First, turn off the power or gas that connects to the water heater. Then, shut off the water support and connect a hose to the drain valve. Once the tank has emptied, leave the cold water valve open for a few minutes. Then, close the drain, cold water, and pressure relief valves and wait for the tank to fill back up.

Be sure to refer to your particular water heater’s manual for the full, specific instructions.

How Long Does A Hot Water Heater Last?

A hot water heater typically lasts between 8 and 12 years. Once it’s reached 10 years of age, call a technician at American Home Water and Air to have it looked at.

What Size Water Heater Do I Need?

If your household has 1 to 2 people, get a 30-40 gallon tank. For a full 3-4 person family, you need 50-60 gallons.

resetting your gas valve assembly
where to shut off water to a gas or electric water heater

Reverse Osmosis Tips

Reverse osmosis tank bypass

Common Issue: Reverse Osmosis Low Water Output From Spigot

When a reverse osmosis (RO) unit is not putting out a decent amount of water (approx 2 gallons) after filling overnight, it is usually because the air in the tank is not adequately pushing water out.

Do not turn off any valves under the sink as you are doing this very simple procedure:

To check the tank, turn the RO spigot ON and let it run until the water flow slows to a trickle. If the RO storage tank still feels heavy that means there is water remaining in the tank and it is not being pushed out properly. If the tank feels light, the low volume of water is not due to low air pressure in the tank.

If the tank feels heavy, LEAVE THE RO SPIGOT IN THE ON POSITION and use a bicycle tire pump (preferred method) or an air compressor to add air to the tank gradually as water is expelled out through the RO spigot…

The air valve is usually covered by a blue plastic cap and looks like a bicycle tire air valve when the cap is removed. If water comes out of the air valve when you take off the cap, the tank is bad…

if air goes through the tank as you add it and out of the spigot, the tank is bad

Add no more than 10 PSI

Water Softener Tips​

How Does a Water Softener Work?

A water softener swaps mineral ions in your water for sodium ones. This prevents scale buildup in your pipes and on various surfaces in your home.

What Size Water Softener Do I Need?

First, find your region’s grains per gallon water hardness figure, which is available on the Environmental Protection Agency website. In Phoenix, the water is 12-17 grains per gallon according to state numbers.

Multiply the gallons of water you use every day (it’s usually around 80 per person) by this gpg number. Take the resulting number and find a water softener with a capacity equal to that many gallons.

What Does a Soft Water Loop Look Like and Where Is It Located?

Water softener loops are usually installed in the garage or mechanical room. The loops often come out of the pipes in the wall or come up from the pipes under the floor. In some cases, you may find the water softener loop installed outdoors, especially in regions where hot temperatures aren’t an issue.

Many modern day houses are already pre-plumbed with a loop. If you’re building a home, you should request one. If you’re buying a home, check to see if a loop is already installed. While some homeowners install their own water softener loop, we recommend hiring a professional.

Soft water loop