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Water Softeners

Water Softener With Reverse Osmosis

Water Softener With Reverse Osmosis: Good Idea? Or Waste Of Money?

If you are dealing with hard water issues, keep reading. There’s a better way to improve your water quality. The answer is a water softener with reverse osmosis. If you don’t know what it is, don’t worry. We’ll explain the system and how it works throughout this guide. By the time you’ve finished reading this, you may consider having a whole-home reverse osmosis system installed in your home. Not only will installing one will soften your water, but it will also yield all kinds of benefits in the process. Keep reading to find out how to get a water softener …

Water Softener With Reverse Osmosis: Good Idea? Or Waste Of Money? Read More »

mold in water softener

How to Get Rid of Mold in Water Softener Brine Tank

You’ve had your water softener brine tank installed for a while now, and it’s been working great. But now you’ve noted dark spots. Could it be what you think? You guessed it right; the dark spots in your water softener tank (near the water line in the brine or salt) are mold.  No one likes the idea of mold, fungi, or bacteria. Especially not on appliances, pipes, or fixtures that deliver water for consumption. But how do you get rid of mold in a water softener? Will the water still be fit for consumption? Should you clean it out?  Just …

How to Get Rid of Mold in Water Softener Brine Tank Read More »


Water Softeners vs Water Conditioners: Which One Has Better Value?

Hard water is a significant problem faced by about 85% of homeowners in the United States. It is not just bad for your health, but it also damages the pipes and fixtures within your home, which leads to clogged pipes and shortens the life cycle of appliances.  Is it safe to drink soft water? Contaminated water is the other aspect that should be a major concern. Not only can it taste and smell bad, but it can also cause sensitivity, and in the worst scenarios, it can lead to severe health problems. Several systems are available to soften or purify …

Water Softeners vs Water Conditioners: Which One Has Better Value? Read More »

questions to ask water softener company

5 Questions To Ask A Water Softener Company Before Buying One

Hard water can be difficult to deal with. While it is not a major health concern, it can cause skin irritations. Also, hard water corrodes your plumbing system leading to the leach of toxic metals and chemicals into your water. Remember that ‘icky’ feeling after every shower and the feel of stiff clothes even after a few washes? Definitely not how you imagine living for the rest of your life.  Luckily, hard water issues can be solved. However, choosing the best hard water solution is not so easy. If you are looking for hard water softeners, here are some questions …

5 Questions To Ask A Water Softener Company Before Buying One Read More »

is well water safe to drink

Is Well Water Safe To Drink In Arizona?

The highest percentage of tap water in Arizona (around 60%) comes from surface water. However, the remaining 40% is sourced from groundwater.  This is a significant concern, especially considering that various researches have shown groundwater in Arizona to contain a harmful carcinogen known as chromium VI. This chemical was made quite famous by Erin Brockovich, who worked tirelessly to build a case in 1993 against PG&E (Pacific Gas & Electric Company) in California. This lawsuit even inspired the creation of Erin Brockovich’s film in 2000, starring Julia Roberts.   So, does Chromium VI make groundwater in Arizona too unfit to drink? …

Is Well Water Safe To Drink In Arizona? Read More »