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heat pump pros and cons

Heat Pump Pros and Cons

Heat pumps can be a great way to heat and cool your home, but like any other system, they have their advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the most important heat pump pros and cons: Heat Pump Benefits There are many reasons to install a heat pump in your home, so to discuss heat pump pros and cons, let’s start with the advantages. Heat Pump Disadvantages What are the disadvantages of a heat pump? Here are some of the most prominent issues. Many heat pump pros and cons depend on your specific needs and circumstances. It is always best …

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humidifier and purifier

Dry Air Issues: Keeping Humidity in Your Home Under Control in Arizona

Lower temperatures, heating systems, and closed-up houses can all contribute to creating dry air in your house. Fortunately, there are many actions you can take to create more moisture in dry house air, improving the quality of your home environment and promoting better health. Signs Your Home is Too Dry Static Electricity – Have you ever walked across the carpet in your home and touched someone only to get a little zap? That’s static electricity and it happens when your home is too dry. Breathing Difficulties – If you are waking up or regularly experiencing a dry throat, nose, or …

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well water testing

What You Should Know About Well Water Testing

There are several reasons you should perform water testing for well water. In addition to certain conditions that you may encounter which may require well water analysis, the National Ground Water Association (NGWA) suggests that you test well water once a year to detect any contaminants that you may not otherwise be aware of through appearance or taste.  While you should test well water for bacteria, nitrates, and other pollutants per NGWA recommendations, you will also want to perform testing if you note any of the following: What Contaminants Are Usually Found in Well Water? Nitrates are a common contaminant …

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How often should I replace my furnace

How Often Should I Replace My Furnace and Why?

When the chilling weather sets in, everyone remembers their home’s heating system. The system has to endure heavy use for the next several months. But, is the heating system in good shape to keep your home warm throughout the freezing winter? The furnace is the central part of your home’s heating system, if it breaks down in the middle of winter, the experience can never be pleasant. Ensuring that everything is functional through regular checks and proper maintenance can save you loads of unwanted stress and costs.  So, how often should you replace a furnace for optimal, uninterrupted service? Well, …

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Reverse osmosis

Reverse Osmosis 101: What Does It Remove?

Purified water is always in demand for various purposes, including drinking, manufacturing, beverage industries, medical and pharmaceutical fields, etc. Tap water contains many contaminants making it inadequate for domestic or industrial use.  For this reason, water purification becomes paramount to help remove these dangerous impurities from the water. But, while there are numerous water purification methods, reverse osmosis is one of the most effective techniques.  Initially, this method was developed to help turn saltwater into potable drinking water. However, with advancements in technology and growth in industries, reverse osmosis is now mainly used at industrial levels.  Here, the process is …

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