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facts about phoenix arizona

5 Interesting Facts About Phoenix, Arizona

While American Home Water air Air strives to provide the most reliable water softener services and HVAC Services in Phoenix, we’ve decided to show off some of the most exciting things that take place in our community.

Phoenix is a vibrant city with a history dating back several millennia. Keep reading to learn more about Phoenix, its landmarks, culture, and more.

1. Phoenix is located in a wet, green desert

While we usually associate the term “desert” with dry, barren wastelands, those aren’t universal characteristics. Greater Phoenix is located in one very notable exception – the Sonoran Desert. The Sonoran Desert is home to a surprising number of endemic plants and other wildlife. This vibrancy is the result of the roughly 3 to 15 inches of rain the Sonoran Desert gets each year.

So if you’ve ever wondered why Phoenix is home to so many lush plants, now you know!

2. Phoenix is one of America’s sunniest metropolitan areas

According to Weather & Climate, Phoenix sees 3,870 hours of sunshine each year, on average. That makes it the second sunniest metropolitan area in the world, per The Culture Trip. Which city is the sunniest? That would be Yuma, Arizona, just under three hours away from Phoenix.

3. The city is lower than the Grand Canyon

If you’ve ever been to the Grand Canyon – roughly four hours from Phoenix – you’ve probably marveled at its stunning depth. As such, you may be surprised to learn that with an average elevation of 1,086 feet, Phoenix is substantially lower than the Grand Canyon’s lowest point, which has an elevation of 2,400 feet.

4. Most palm trees are not native to Phoenix

While an assortment of palm trees can be seen throughout the Phoenix area, only one (the California fan palm) is native. According to Arizona Oddities, other varieties were imported by landscapers throughout the 20th century.

5. Phoenix is America’s largest state capital by population

Home to nearly 1.7 million people, Phoenix is America’s most populous city to also serve as a state capital. On a related note, the Arizona State Capitol Building in Phoenix is truly a sight to behold. The structure’s original section (built in 1900) is currently maintained as a museum, with legislators meeting in other additions on the campus.

Map of Phoenix, Arizona

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